

It hasn't been long since we first met
But the time we share is having a lasting effect

You are so sweet; You are so kind
It's these qualities that drive me out of my mind

Your sense of humor; Your personality
It makes me wonder if this is really reality

You have a bright future ahead of you
I hope I'm along for the ride
Any bumps along the way, I'll take then in stride

It's scary how much we have in common
I wonder if it's too good to be true
I'll always be there for anything you may need
Because I truly care for you

My feelings for you are growing more and more everyday
I haven't felt like this in a very long time
And to you I must say thanks
The Vision

When I looked into your crystal ball eyes
I observed a vision

A vision of our life together
A vision of our future

I saw us walking down the aisle
And saying our I do's

I saw our children growing up
And deciding which career to choose

I saw us growing old and gray;
Retiring out west along the bay

I saw us buried together for all eternity
Even when the cruel world
Is washed away to sea

I'll Keep Trying
I was attracted to you the first time I laid my eyes on you
I wanted to know all about you once I knew your name

We had one fabulous evening together
I thought maybe it could be a start
But the moment we started connecting, we drifted apart

I've dropped subtle hints to you
That you're the girl for me
But I guess my hints aren't obvious enough
Because you've never noticed me

With my persistent nature
I'll keep trying until I succeed
Because you're not just the one I want
You're the one I need
Out of Reach

You're a very beautiful girl
I've never met anyone like you before
When I am around you
It feels like another world

I know I can't have you right now
But I'd like to give it a shot
I don't know how we can do it
All I ask is "how?"

I know I could make you happy
If ever given a chance
I'm positive of this
Because I know you like romance

Right now you're out of reach
And I'm not sure what to do
You've had an instant effect on me
And I'm really starting to like you

So I hope one day we can give it a go
Just remember, if you don't give it a try
You'll never know

The Date

I picked you up at seven
With your angel-like looks
I thought I'd entered the gates of heaven

A candlelight dinner
A stroll along the beach
Such a perfect evening
Belongs only in a dream

We sealed the evening
With a warm, gentle kiss
Your soft moist lips
I will undoubtedly miss

So until our next encounter
I bid you a fond farewell
Should this be our last
Send me straight to hell

So tonight I shall pray with all my might
That tomorrow is just as great as tonight
This Girl

There is this girl I love so much
She has the most beautiful smile
And a most graceful touch

Eyes like pearls; A heart of gold
I took one look and I was sold

She gives me this tingly feeling inside my heart
When I'm with her, I never want us to part

She has brought out a side of me I didn't know was there
Since she's always there for me and lets me know she cares

Now I don't feel as alone as a bird on a wire
Since this girl came along, my heart burns with desire

We have only known each other for a few months
Yet I'd have these feelings even if we'd met once

I like you more than you probably know
It's hard to tell
Because feelings aren't something I always show

There are a lot of miles between us
A lot of people would just give up
But I've never been a quitter
So I just assume erupt

I am so glad we met that summer night
It's forever etched in my mind

I'm not a gambling man, but I'll make one sure bet
You are truly one person I will never forget

A friend is the greatest thing a person can have
They are the most priceless possessions in the world

A friend will always tell you the truth
No matter how much it may hurt

They know when you are up
They know when you are down
A friend can always turn a frown upside down

A friend is someone you can do or say anything around
Knowing with anything you can confide

A friend is someone that would save your life
Even if it meant sacrificing their own

A friend is someone that's there through and through
A friend is someone special like you

What You Do For Me
 You’ve brought a happiness to my life
That I’ve never known before
Your majestic personality
I have grown to adore
You’ve put smile after smile upon my face
With your touch, your style, and all your grace
I’m at my best
When you are around
You keep my wit sharp
And my ego to the ground
My life is at it highest point
When you’re in my presence
Without you, life just wouldn’t make sense

The Hardest Thing
Fate works in mysterious ways
It has placed me a thousand miles from you
It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do deal with
But if anyone is worth it, it’s you
You are the single greatest person
To ever grace my existence
Now that I have you
My life is making sense
It feels as if I’ve known you forever
But this is only just the start
I’m not gonna let this distance rip us apart
Because forever you will be my sweetheart

Imagine being in love with a girl you cant have
It gives you a feeling of hopelessness

It's a feeling like you are hanging off a cliff
And no one is around to save you

That is the way I feel about her
I was drawn to her after our first night out together
My feelings have just gotten stronger as time has progressed

What can I do?
I don't know

She has all I have ever desired in a woman
Brains, beauty, personality, and a sense of humor

Our chemistry is great together
There is just one hurdle: him

One day soon I hope it will be just me and her
I am not gonna hold my breath
Because nothing is ever for sure
The Distance Between
You are so many miles away
But so close in the heart
It makes me unhappy
That we are so far apart
So many nights I spend talking to you
Growing closer and closer
It seems to good to be true
My computer has now become a sacred place
Because I can cheer you up
And put a smile on your beautiful face
I did not think there was anyone out there
That matches my compatibility
Since I have met you, I can honestly say
You complete me

Fast Love
Our love happened so fast
Faster than the speed of light
We'll never need a supporting cast
Because our love is so tight

We have our ups
We have our downs
Our big, bright smiles
Have sometimes been demoted to frowns

But through it all
There was you and I
With love like this
Our love will never die

I've reserved the rest of my life
Just to be with you
As long as I have you in my life
My heart will always be true
Missing You
When I don't see your smile
And all I see is a frown
I'm missing you

When I can't hear your voice
And you are not in sight
I'm missing you

When I see a tear fall from your eye
And it makes me want to cry
I'm missing you

When we are not at our best
And our relationship is put to the test
I'm missing you

When you are not in a good mood
And it brings me down too
I'm missing you

When you are all good
Just as you should
I'm loving you

Bad Girl

You lied to me
But said you never would
You hurt me
Like I thought no one could
The love and feelings I felt for you
Are now deemed false since your confession
You made me feel cheap and used
Leaving me with a blank expression
You are not a good person
For what you did for me
What you did was wrong
Why cant you see?
You gave me feelings of rage, hate, and anger
Feelings foreign to me
You know you’ve done something really wrong
When you get them out of me
One day I’ll day learn to forgive
But never will forget
The time I spent with you
The time I now regret
The Truth

For months I thought your love to me was sincere
But the real truth came out
At the start of the new year
Lying to me is something
You said you’d never do
Through summer, through fall, and through winter
I believed that to be true
But you came out and said
That it was all an act
Hearing that left me speechless
I don’t know how to react
I wonder if all that time was wasted
And if any of your feelings were true
You hurt me more than anyone has before
Now I will never be able to forgive you

Dream Lover 
You are my true dream lover
Just as I pictured you would be
Beautiful, smart, articulate
You possess the right qualities for me
You are a true original
A real one of a kind
That beautiful smile you have
Just totally blows my mind
I fall into a tailspin
Whenever we’re apart
I’m glad you’re in my life
And becoming an influential part
Thank you dream lover
You have really rescued me
From the ranks of the lonely
And all my uncertainty
Perception of You
Seeing your smile makes the sun shine bright
Your beautiful hazel eyes are my guiding light
You’re like the North star
I wish on at night
You’ve become my motivation
To be a better man
To reach all my goals;
Achieve what I can
In anything you try
I know you will succeed
You’re destined for greatness
That, I truly believe
You’re the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow
That I have searched for for so long
With you in my life,
I can do no wrong
You’ve got a big heart
I hope there is a place for me
Our hearts should beat as one
For all eternity

New Tomorrow
Now that I have met you
My life feels complete
Now I feel I'm winning
I feel no more defeat

You've made me feel strong feelings
In a very short time
One day soon I hope
That I can call you mine

You are all my dreams have predicted
Giving me a smile so wide
My heart will know no bounds
As long as you're by my side

So stick with me
You'll know no sorrow
You'll feel no pain
In you're tomorrow
Now and Forever 
You are the reason for my happiness
And all that is right
You're the one I want to be with
For the rest of my life

Making you happy
Shall be my number one goal
As we grow together
Together we will grow old

You're the beautiful rainbow
On a rainy day
You're the bright sunshine
To start the new day

Giving you the world
I will always strive to do
Giving you my heart
Is something I was born to do

You're my favorite person to be around
And I'm having a lot of fun
My heart is now telling me
The search for you is done

You have had an instant effect on me
Just as I knew you would
It makes me like you more and more
Just as I know I should

You have effected my ability to take chances
Making me not as shy
Now I do things for the hell of it
And not just stand by

You have effected my feeling on relationships
Now I realize there is "just one"
You have all I have ever wanted
And we've only just begun

You have effected my motivation
By giving me the confidence I need
To go for it all
To believe I can achieve

You've effected me in such a way
That no one before has done
You've given me so much
More than you'll ever know
For years I've searched for my true destiny
Wondering where and when I would find you

Night after night I anticipated your arrival
Envisioning what kind of moment it would be
It finally came when you walked through those doors
Then the feeling came over me

Like a blast of cold air
You woke me up from this deep sleep I call life
You showed me the search for my destiny has ended
And that now my life can begin

Now that I found my destiny
What comes next?
Eternal happiness
Just you and me

I Think
I think about you day and night
Knowing it was you
That has made my life so bright

I think about the time we've spent together
There's a lot more to come
As we spend our lives together

I think about all the times you've touched my heart
It gives me a warm feeling
And a hell of a jumpstart

I think about every time our eyes meet
And the love and passion in each stare
With my eyes locked on you
I'll never have to look elsewhere

I think about every time we hold hands
And the electricity it pulses through my veins
It gives me a major adrenaline rush
That just drives me insane

I think about you day and night
Knowing that being with you
I have never felt feeling so right
Queen of Hearts
My heart was very timid
Without the feeling of love
Then you came along
And gave it a much needed shove

You've given my heart feelings
It never has achieved
These feeligns are incredible
I hope they'll never cease

You've stolen my heart
You've captured my soul
I surrender them willingly
Because to me you feel like home

You are now my queen of hearts
I hope you will accept
You've got something very special inside you
My expectations have been met

Queen of heart you've paved the way
My heart now has the feelings
That give me the courage to say,
"I love you with all my heart,
Even beyond my dying day"

My First Valentine
You're the first real valentine
I've had in all my life
Now it's making sense
Why I'm feeling so alive

You've been a real life cupid
And you've shot me with your arrow
I have love you every day
And will every tomorrow

You've eliminated my loneliness
And wiped away my tears
You've given me back my courage
And taken away my fears

So on this day of hearts
Everything I will remember
Knowing this day is ours
Is something I will treasure

You've given me something meaningful
With all your affection and love
You don't know how good it feels
To be with an angel from above
The Time Has Come
Its been a long time coming
For me and you
The time has come
The dream has come true

All these years I've spent dreaming of the day
That you would come along
And take my heart away

The time has finally come
For us to never look back
To that heart of yours
I shall make a pact

Surrender your love to me
And you'll never get hurt
All you'll know is happiness
I'll show you your true worth

The time has come for us
Time for our hearts to collide
You are my true love
Til beyond the end of time

True Feelings
I want you to know
How I truly feel
I want you to know
That my feelings for you are real

Seeing your electrifying smile
Makes my heart skip a beat
When I look into your eyes
It makes my body feel weak

Every time we kiss
Is such a sweet surrender
Every one I'll miss
Every one I'll remember

Each time I hold your hand
It sends chills down my spine
It gives me a nice warm feeling
It lets me know you are mine

Your intellect and maturity
Are definitely beyond your years
They are a great asset
To your wonderful demeanor

I'd like you to know
That my feelings are real and true
I want you to know
That they are all for you
Being With You
What I think is I'm the guy for you
What I think is you feel the same way too

Being with you is like living the impossible dream
Being with you is what makes my heart pound
And makes my eyes gleam

That smile of yours is contagious
It never fails to catch my eye
It always leaves me breathless
Dying to see it just one more time

I have that feeling about you
That you could be the one
Just know this is no joke
And this isn't just for fun

I want the day to come
Where we don't have to hide
I want the day to come
Where I can call you mine